nemo : one/one/ones/oneself

white | autism + adhd | sfw

art stuff: instagram · tumblr

writing: wattpad · ao3
infinit8ion · essays

galactaron: wikiarchive

Common-Sense Reminders

If you somehow can't agree with the following three statements, you are not welcome here. Do yourself a favor and exit the Internet. Mayhaps rumination will yield a sounder mind.


If I suspect that you hold (or endorse people with) such repulsive beliefs, you will be blocked. This too applies to those who refuse to address and combat their own implicit bias; we are all capable of making missteps, but the way in which you navigate your errors is deeply telling to what kind of person you are. Listen to people you hurt, and know when it's not your place to speak.


You are responsible for the impact of your art regardless of whether or not said impact is intended; create responsibly, and learn from your mistakes. I consider myself a proponent of "making art for art's sake—out of everything and about everything," but I draw the line at art that promotes harmful ideologies and actions against innocent people. If you consciously produce such art as this, I want nothing to do with you.


Be courteous, be respectful, and be mindful. Everyone acts differently online, but the mask it provides is no excuse to be a jerk. Obviously, there's a profound distinction between self-defense and outright antagonism, the former of which I can accept, so long as what you're defending doesn't contradict the aforementioned Reminders.

General Content Warnings

The Internet is your playground, and you deserve to curate a space bereft of discomfort; I make an effort to include the proper warnings at the start of all my work, but this is a general rundown of some of the things I depict that are not everyone's cup of tea:

  • My work often depicts derealization, surrealism, liminal spaces, and existentialism as a means of exploring themes of psychology and nuance

  • My work will on occasion depict gore and body horror, but it's never gratuitous, and always carries symbolic significance

  • My work sometimes uses strong language, mostly in character dialogue; it's never anything worse than curse words, and is mainly employed as a means of expressing strong emotions

Personal Boundaries

Some things to keep in mind if you decide to follow/interact with me after having read (and understood) the two prior pages:

I need you to

... inform me when something I do or say offends you and/or makes you uncomfortable; I'm always open to constructive criticism on my works + myself as a person, and I'll never be mad if you reach out to me with concerns. General questions are welcome as well!

... respect my safe for work policy and refrain from making suggestive jokes/comments when you’re talking to me or engaging with something I’ve made.

... neither endorse NFT’s, AI "art" or the people who do. They suck.